Hazte Socio

VENTAJAS DE SER SOCIO DE ACEAM   1. Podrás disponer de amplia información acerca de dónde adquirir todo tipo de piezas de Meccano, tanto antiguas como modernas, fuentes de suministro, clubes internacionales, manuales, modelos, etc.   2. Asistir a nuestras reuniones quincenales, en las que intercambiamos información de todo tipo sobre nuestro hobby (piezas, catálogos, […]


ASOCIACION CULTURAL ESPAÑOLA DE AFICIONADOS A LOS MECANOS (ACEAM) has been legally established as a non-profit association by a group of Meccano hobbysts who have been gathering together all over Spain for years. This group included both model builders and collectors and they organized and participated in an important number of exhibitions in many cities […]

Become a Member

Become a member! BENEFITS OF BEING AN ACEAM MEMBER 1. You will access lots of information on where to buy all kinds of Meccano parts, both new and old, supply sources, international clubs, manuals, models, etc. 2. You will be entitled to attend our meetings every two weeks, when we interchange all kinds of information […]


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