ASOCIACION CULTURAL ESPAÑOLA DE AFICIONADOS A LOS MECANOS (ACEAM) has been legally established as a non-profit association by a group of Meccano hobbysts who have been gathering together all over Spain for years. This group included both model builders and collectors and they organized and participated in an important number of exhibitions in many cities of Spain.
Commitments of the Association:
- To group together those people whose hobby is to build models of all kinds with Meccano or similar building systems.
- To promote among children, youngsters and any other interested persons the pleasures of building with this educational toy, already over 100 years old, in its fundamental aspects of learning and collecting.
- To maintain contacts with the many clubs, guilds and associations of hobbysts of Meccano and similar systems that exist all over the world.
- To organize and develop shows and exhibitions of models built by our members, that are generally sponsored by local governments, museums, Banks, companies and other organizations who provide the exhibition rooms and economical support.
- To publish magazines, bulletins, videos, software and model building drawings of models built by members. At present a 6-monthly bulletin is being published for free distribution among members.
Association members meet frequently to exchange ideas and knowledge, as well as information for the purchase of parts and to prepare new exhibitions and provide articles for the Association Bulletin.
Meccano and other similar systems are still being manufactured and sold in good toy shops all over the world. There are also many specialists who manufacture and sell parts primarily on the Internet or by mail.
Besides the traditional Meccano component parts new parts and accessories are constantly been added to adapt it to new technologies, such as infrared or radio controls, as well as automatisms or electronic devices to be controlled through computer software.
Meccano and other constructional systems are brands registered by their owners.